'Holistic Government'

June 07 2011

This 'Holistic Government' themed debate was about how government here could set about tackling some of the really big, thematic issues that cut across organisational boundaries and different levels of government. The Grail of this particular quest is more effective and coherent ways of working whereby government can achieve more while spending less.

At the heart of the notion of Holistic Government is a view that the core problem for government is that it relies on a 19th century model of organisation that is formed around functions and services rather than around solving problems. Public authorities, it is argued, should be charged with achieving outcomes. This will require greater integration across the sector and, in practice perhaps, the constant assembly, disassembly and re-assembly of made-to-order operational arrangements that are pulled together as the best way of achieving much such after policy outcomes.

A summary of the discussion is available on request and will shortly be published here.

For more information contact Kim McKnight, (T) 02890 347400.