Beyond Engagement - Building Positive Organisational Culture: The ‘Great Place to Work’ model in action

June 30 2021

CEF is delighted to join with our equivalent body in the Irish Republic, the Association of Chief Executives of State Agencies (ACESA) for a series of briefings over the next year.

In the first of the series, we will hear from the CEO of Fáilte Ireland, Paul Kelly, about how the organisation used the ‘Great Place to Work’ model to help build a positive culture.  This work has resulted in Fáilte Ireland being listed in the top 20 best large organizations to work in and is the only public sector body on this list.  In 2020 Paul was named as Ireland's Most Trusted Leader by Great Places to Work.

We will also hear from Great Places to Work’s Jim Flynn about how it helps organisations create exceptional, high performing workplaces where employees feel trusted and valued. It works with employers to improve recruitment, retention and productivity by putting employees at the heart of the organisation, analysing what they think and feel and identifying the real issues that need to be addressed. Part of a global organisation, Great Places to Work applies data and insights from approximately 10,000 organisations across the world to benchmark individual performance and advise employers on how to continuously improve employee engagement.

This event will be moderated by ACESA Chair, Dr Pamela Byrne.  ACESA provides a forum for Chief Executives to discuss issues of mutual concern and enables them to develop and express a collective voice on issues that affect the sector. It achieves this by hosting briefing sessions on topics of common interest to CEOs, conducting an Annual Survey to learn more about the issues impacting on the work of CEOs and government agencies, and by providing support and an information network for members.


Please Note:

This session will be recorded and any video or photographic material may be used by CEF for future events and promotional purposes.