November 28 2022

Following the publication of the NI Budget 2022-23 by the Secretary of State this morning, you are invited to join this briefing session with Jayne Brady, Head of the NI Civil Service and Neil Gibson, Permanent Secretary, Dept of Finance on living within the financial envelope provided.

Jayne and Neil will provide an overview of the latest position and the significant and challenging decisions required to reach a balanced budget for both 2022-23 and 2023-24.

The intention is to address as many questions as possible from our guests in this slot.

The Statement from the Secretary of State on NI Finances 2022/23 can be found at this link.

Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament

This session is aimed primarily at ALB Chairs, Chief Executives / Accounting Officers and Finance Directors.  This session will be conducted on an in camera basis.  It will be introduced by CEF Chair David Sterling, and there will be an opportunity at the conclusion of the session for the views of guests to be collated for further engagement with NICS.