Venue: James House, Belfast, 12.45pm - 2.45pm
All public service leaders are dealing with the challenge of protecting service delivery in the most challenging fiscal context.
At the NI Leadership and Governance Conference on 1 March, our keynote speaker, Professor Sir Geoff Mulgan, set out 12 examples of international approaches taken to innovate, to reduce harm to public services in times of austerity and - importantly to use the moment of disruption to drive change.
In this session, hosted jointly by the NI Chairs’ Forum and CEF, we will hear about two case studies through which NI public bodies are taking new approaches to delivering public services:
• The Northern Ireland Housing Executive about how they have been embracing these kinds of strategies to drive change – with several early examples bearing better than expected results – Grainia Long, NIHE Chief Executive;
• The Department of Health and the NI Social Care Council on how they have established an unprecedented collaborative forum to build shared values and deliver improvements in response to the immediate and medium-term challenges with adult social care - Peter Toogood, Dept of Health Deputy Secretary and Patricia Higgins NISCC Chief Executive.
After these two short presentations, we will lead a discussion inviting delegates to explore what are we already doing and how can we build these approaches – at both Executive and Board levels - as we deal with the impact of the 2023-24 budget.
To ensure we maximise the value of the session, we recommend that you watch Geoff Mulgan’s contribution to our conference on 1 March 2023.
Please Note:
This briefing is free of charge to CEF and Chairs' Forum members.
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