Richard Ferguson, the presenter of this second breakfast seminar in Sensei UKE change series, gave a number of tips on embedding change and ensuring the the success of change programmes.
Richard is a director of international consultancy Sensei UKE and an experienced management consultant with a proven track record in supporting organisations in successfully managing transformations, embedding change, and developing and engaging their people.
Framing his talk around a number of important observations and key pinciples, Richard Ferguson argued that organisations are stronger and future-proofed if they approach change in the right way. He also said that achieving this capability is easier said than done. Working out what needs to change and what needs to happen is, he said, hard enough but, to make it happen leaders need to formulate a clear strategic mandate linked to a compelling rationale that will bring their people with them. He also said that change needs to be both top down and bottom up with the approach to embedding change holistic and systemic with the key focus being on changing actual behaviours.
If change is to be sustainable it must, he said, be not just about senior managers' rhetoric and enthusiasm they must also behave in ways that reinforce the message and actually do do things differently with the hardest change to effect being that which requires people to think and feel differently legitimising and re-inforcing those behaviours deemed critical to future, ongoing success.
Presentation slides: Richard Ferguson has made available a number of slides he uses in extended versions of talk. These are available on request to people who attended his presentation at Malone House. Please contact Roger Bradley, (T) 02890 347400.