Pamela mccreedy
Pamela McCreedy
Chief Operating Officer, Police Service of Northern Ireland

Pamela McCreedy is an experienced senior public sector leader with a dedicated focus on improving public services for all.  Her strong business acumen, demonstrated through working in complex service delivery organisations and a commitment to robust stakeholder engagement, has enabled her to deliver transformational reform through a focus on strategic change, business modernisation and ensuring value for money.

Pamela is currently the Chief Operating Officer for the Police Service of Northern Ireland, following appointment in March 2021. This portfolio includes People and Organisational Development, Corporate Services and Strategic Planning and Performance.  

Pamela was appointed as the first Chief Operating Officer of the NI Audit Office in 2017.  She has led the organisation through strategic leadership, transformational and cultural change as well as being the Local Government Auditor.

In 2015 Pamela was appointed the Director of Operations and Deputy Chief Executive for the Northern Health & Social Care Trust where she led service delivery, transformation change and organisation development across the Trust.

In 2011 she was appointed Director of Transforming Your Care (TYC) by the Health & Social Care Board, where she led the reform of health and social care services in Northern Ireland. Pamela joined the South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust in 2009 as Assistant Director of Planning & Performance. Beginning her career at KPMG Pamela trained as a Chartered Accountant, becoming Director of Public Sector Advisory with specific responsibility for the criminal justice and health sectors.

Pamela is the Vice President of Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI).

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