
In addition to our wide-ranging schedule of briefings and events which are free of charge to members, CEF provides access to a range of programmes and seminars which are available to our members at discounted rates. Full details of these programmes are outlined below:

Current Programmes

Women in Leadership
Media Training: Making The Soundbite Count
Public Accountability and Governance
Leadership & Team Support
Cross Sectoral Development Programme for High Potentials
The Transformative Leader

Public Accountability and Governance

CEF's Public Accountability and Governance training is tailored to four distinct groups:

  • Accounting Officers
  • Senior Managers
  • Board Members
  • Audit & Risk Committee members

Half day sessions are scheduled for each group 2 - 3 times per year.  These highly interactive sessions include attendance and input from a representative of the Northern Ireland Audit Office.  Delegates receive an overview of the governance framework within which all NI public bodies operate, and will also receive briefing on the latest thinking within Government and analysis and reflection on the most recent case studies. 

The Accounting Officer session includes input from the Comptroller & Auditor General, Dorinnia Carville, and the Department of Finance's Treasury Officer of Accounts, Stuart Stevenson.  Delegates have the opportunity to exchange views with both representatives.

The CEF also offers bespoke PA&G training for individual organisations or sectors, on request.  Such training will be tailored to the particular needs of the organisation / sector, with consultation with the trainer on the content of the session in advance. For further details on bespoke training, please contact:

Please refer to the events section of our website for upcoming dates and to register.

Brian Whalley
Brian Whalley is our Associate Trainer and former accountant and civil servant, having previously worked for DHSS, MoD and the Cabinet Office. For the last 19 years, Brian has worked as a freelance, providing public sector governance and accountability training, throughout all UK jurisdictions. Brian originally trained as a teacher and has an MA in Management Learning from the University of Lancaster.
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